Photo 0004: Girl On A Rock

Photo 0004: Girl On A Rock

This Photo is of a little girl sitting on a rock at a scenic over look.

Things we can tell from the photograph

Looking at the photo it’s hard to gather a great deal of information about the location or the girl. In the first photo photo above there’s what looks to be maybe a town in the valley. In the second photo it’s hard to see but there might be a pasture clearing just above the highest tree limb. The little girl looks to be in the range of 5-7 years old. There were no identifying marks on the reverse of this photo. If you see anything else feel free to leave a description in the comments!

A possible Location

I imagine this photo is taken somewhere in Menifee County Kentucky because that’s where the suit case came from. This is total speculation. It’s a possibility that this could be taken above Frenchburg, KY at Donathan rock, Again that is total speculation at this point.

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Girl Sitting on a rock

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