Photo 0003: Girl Under A Tree
This Photo is of a little girl lying on the ground some distance from a tree.
Things we can tell from the photograph
Looking at the photo it’s hard to gather a great deal of information. There was no information left on the back of the photo. What we can tell is the little girl is maybe in about 3-5 grade. She’s wearing a pretty nice outfit to be lying on the ground. maybe she just got home from church or something. I have a feeling the photo was taken maybe in late fall or early spring. I see the tree with no leaves but I would expect to see some leaves on the ground if it were fall. Also the yard/field is pretty well groomed. There are some buildings in the back ground. I thought the large white building may be a church or something. On the right there’s a house and a garage. It’s a possibility that this could be the Priest home if the large white building is a church.

A possible Location
I image this photo is taken somewhere in Menifee County Kentucky because that’s where the suit case came from. This is total speculation.
If anyone notices anything else about the photos that might be helpful feel free to leave it in the comments!
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I’m grateful for bringing such valuable insights on your blog.
Your approach to unveiling the intricacies of photography renders your posts a
delight to read. It’s clear that an immense amount of knowledge and passion is poured into your work, which makes it a valuable resource for
photography enthusiasts like myself. Keep up the great work, and thank you for expanding our knowledge of photography.
Kindly, Anja
Thank you so much Anja! It’s good to know someone is out there looking at the work I’m doing, It really means a lot!